SurfriderVI Chapter Meeting - May 28th at Coastline

SurfriderVI Chapter Meeting - May 28th at Coastline

Chapter meetings are a great chance to meet new people, connect with others that have a shared passion and learn about initiatives and projects within the community. They support and help grow the passion and importance of the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves and beaches for all people. 

At this month's chapter meeting you’ll find out how to identify and sustainably harvest seaweeds, learn about the contemporary uses of seaweed, as well as the historical significance among coastal cultures.

Join Meghan McEachern, seaweed enthusiast and member of the Sooke-based [Elemental Nature Collective]: for a fireside chat all about Pacific seaweeds. Meghan will highlight why we need to protect this resource and why we should consider (if we haven’t already) embracing the nourishment that seaweeds offer.

And yes, snacks will be provided, but please bring your own cup! :D 
RSVP here

Coastline Team Xo


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